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16 How to Remove Body Odor Naturally Easy Permanent

How to remove body odor – body odor is unpleasant scent that came out of the crease of the armpit. According to the medical world, the cause of body odor arose due to the presence of bacteria in the lining of the pore is covered by our sweat. Although prosentasenya only 1%, but the bacteria capable of breaking down proteins and turning them into acids that cause odor less.

16 How to Remove Body Odor Naturally Easy Permanent

How to remove body odor naturally

The actual body odor is not included into a serious problem, but if allowed to smell the Tuberose can make less confidence us down, particularly when sweating. Sometimes, body odor causes us to often feel stress.

Tips eliminate body odor Permanently easily and quickly

To cope with body odor, is actually quite easy. Well for those of you who have problems, here are some how to remove body odor quickly that you can do yourself at home.

How to naturally eliminate body odor easily

1. Bathing 2 x a day

Do you rarely take a bath? If true, then it could be that it is the cause of body odor. Basically every day our bodies secrete perspiration through the pores. This is the later of sweat will cause bacteria easily attaches and nested. So if you're not clear on a regular basis, the bacteria-bacteria that will cause body odor.

According to health experts, the best bath to eliminate body odor and bacteria in the body is 2 x a day. Better yet, when bathing use SOAP enriched with antibakterial content in it.

2. Use a deodorant or antiperspirant

Deodorant and antiperspirant now this middle into products popular among the community to tackle the problem of sweat and body odor. Although at first glance the same, but it is actually a function of both of these products is very different once. Even many consumers who do not yet know if this product actually useful or not for them.

Deodorant is a product that is useful to prevent body odor, but not able to reduce the secretion of sweat. While the antiperspirant you can use to reduce perspiration. The choice between these two I suggest to choose the deodorant only. Because usually the antiperspirant sometimes makes the skin undergoes irritation, inflammation, and a cause of perspiration.

3. Avoid foods cause body odor

So that the body does not haunt you everyday life, then avoid the foods that cause the odor. As for the foods cause body odor, among others, such as:

-Red meat

Red meat including food Digest by our intestine. It took quite a long time for the body to digest the meat. As a result, there are substances that are still remaining in the intestine in the form of poison. This is the substance that causes the discharge smelly sweat less.


It is indeed very useful herbs for seasoning, but there are some herbs that can makea pungent body odor. As for the spices, among others, such as onion, garlic, Curry, spices and shrimp paste. Avoid spices in order to awake body odor.

-Alcohol and caffeine

Get some coffee every morning has become the habit of people while in Office. But most of them are not aware of these habits can actually cause body odor.

In addition to the person who likes to get some coffee, excessive consumption of alcohol can also be the cause of body odor. Therefore, if you want to avoid the body odor, reduce the consumption of coffee and alcohol as much as possible.

-Fast-food or junkfood

Instant foods are basically made with a variety of compounds. Contents of this compound will decompose in the body and even the hard plastic. Thus causing perspiration odors become less savoury. Foods such as instant noodles, sardines, and much more.


Whether you like smoking? Do not be surprised if the body odor invades. The odor may occur due to the chemical compounds from cigarette smoke break down the acid in sweat. As a result, you will sweat more odor.

Even though you have stopped smoking for a few days, but body odor will still stay hard and lost until a couple of months in the future.

4. Expand the consumption of fruits

Fresh fruit it contains foods that are easily digested by the body. Thus, the fruit will make the intestines become more healthy and sweat not smell. Some fruits like apples, oranges, papaya, guava, and other trusted can help remove perspiration odors naturally. Thus, konsumsilah fresh fruit every day.

5. Betel leaf

Maybe we are better acquainted with the betel leaf is good for regional care organ of femininity. But it turns out that in addition, the content of antibakterial and antiseptic in the leaves of herbs is also good to cope with body odor.
Here's how:
  1. Pick fresh betel leaves several sheets
  2. Then the leaves are mashed until smooth and apply throughout all parts of the body
  3. Try part of the armpit you give gentle rubbing for 5 minutes
  4. Let stand about 10 minutes and rinse with warm water shower
  5. In addition to using it from the outside, you can also remove body odor from insidethe body. Do I simply boil the betel leaf and water consumption rebusannya regularly. Not only helps cope with body odor, but the stew is also good to prevent kidney.

6. White vinegar

Why instead of vinegar having a less savory (sour)? It is true the vinegar has an acid smell a pretty intense. But the actual content of the vinegar on the acid can kill germs and sweat odor-causing bacteria.

When less like with this method, you can try another way. But if you are curious, here are a few methods of white vinegar can do.

Method 1: squirt vinegar to taste on top of the cotton. Then use a cotton swab to rub on the armpits.

Method 2: squirt the vinegar directly on the folds of the body considered the odor. Starting from knee folds, fold the arm (armpit), and others.

7. Basil leaves

Surely you are familiar with this one. Yup, Basil is often used as vegetables when eating salad, grilled catfish, or other foods.

The distinctive aroma of basil leaves is very good to get rid of bad breath. In addition, mineral content and antibakterial on the leaves of Basil is also believed to be able to help overcome the body odor.

The trick is pretty easy really, you just need to eat basil leaves on a regular basis. If you like, less mengonsumsinya along with other food such as vegetables in General.

8. The cucumber

Cucumber, cucumber, or cucumber is a vegetable that is often used in beauty treatments. Vegetable one is identical to the content of the water is high enough. In addition to rewarding to take care of beauty, the content of antibakterial on cucumber can also help eliminate body odor.

Here's how:
Cut the cucumber still fresh fruit into sections
The parts rubbing gently into the skin of the armpits when showering
In addition to the mengosokan directly, you can also make a cucumber mixed with honey or other ingredients. But it is devoted to whiten underarms naturally.

9. Leaves beluntas

Just as the leaves of basil, beluntas is also often used as a raw material for the manufacture of fresh vegetables. Beluntas typically grow wild around the estate. You can pluck the leaves of beluntas are still fresh, then mashing and slathered the collision evenly throughout all the body parts. especially in the folds, such as the armpits and knees.

10. Lemon or lime juice

It cannot be denied, indeed, lime and lemon have a huge benefit for us. In addition can help remove panu naturally, both these materials we can use to cope with body odor.

This can happen given the lemon contains antibakterial which is quite high. Where such content can kill germs and bacteria the cause of the smell of sweat.

Here's how:
  1. Squeeze 2 lemons and input into a container
  2. Combine the juice with whiting to form cream
  3. After bath, apply the mixture evenly into the armpit
  4. If let stand 1 hour, then rinse with warm water until clean

11. Clove

Talking about content antibakterial, cloves are also included into the traditional materials that contain the compound. Not only that, the cloves are also contain anti-inflammatory compounds that Act to prevent the presence of inflammation.

Here's how:
  1. Soak the cloves by using warm water
  2. Then, drinking the marinade clove that regularly 3 times a week
  3. In addition, you can also wash the body with the marinade so that the water is getting maximum results.

12. Ginger

Ginger spice for one Indonesia is rich in benefits. Usually
Spice this one used for heating the body, but it turns out ginger wedang consumption regularly also good to eliminate body odor.

Wedang Konsumsilah ginger routinely take every night before bed. If no other ginger, you can boil ginger then add a bit of sugar to make it more delicious.

13. Kecombang

How to naturally eliminate underarm odor is with etlingera elatior. Kecombang flower contains compounds that can make you fragrant armpit odor. Do I simply apply the bud plant this one evenly on the armpits, the folds of pengan, neck (if necessary), and knees.

14. Guava Leaf

Here's how to cope with body odor which I often do. Take the leaves of guava that still fresh, then mashed the leaves using a pestle or blend until smooth. Apply evenly on the halusan part of the armpit. Antibacterial and mineral content in guava will kill germs cause body odor.

15. Changing regularly

In addition to the bath as much as twice a day, you should always replace your regular clothes. Because sweat stuck in the clothes will be a hotbed of bacteria the cause of body odor. Especially if you spend a lot of sweat to make the clothes wet.

16. Many sports

The sport has indeed caused much sweat, but sweat while sports can actually help banish germs and bacteria in the pores. Do sport jogging or leisurely bike every morning on a regular basis. Does not need to be long, just 30 minutes a day for 1 week only you have body odor decreases.

That's some way eliminate body odor permanently easily naturally I can tell. In addition to bacteria, armpit hairs can also cause body odor.

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