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10 ways to Treat Chronic Ulcer Disease Without Relapsing Again

They are painful and often feel nauseous all of a sudden? It could be a sign of disease ulcer or gastritis could be called. Watch out carefully, do not think poorly of this ulcer disease because it can be fatal and triggers the onset of other diseases that are more fatal. There are several ways to treat disease ulcer can companions try. Can use natural materials or chemicals. All the positive and negative side.

10 ways to Treat Chronic Ulcer Disease Without Relapsing Again
Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric or peptic ulcers are also known to attack the stomach due to a wound in the stomach. As a result of stomach pain, feels constantly hungry, heartburn and sore. Many people affected by the disease ulcer and many consider paltry disease ulcer. People who are busy such as office workers, teachers, officials, school children and students often ignore the discipline to eat on time.Power too diforsir, fatigue, stress, and eating unhealthy foods became the trigger for the disease.

No breakfast in the morning, delaying lunch hour and delay hours dinner, is a very trivial causes potentially large acute ulcer disease triggers.

How to treat ulcer disease

In General, the disease ulcer is divided into four

1. Mild Gastritis ulcer diseases namely due to excess acid production in the stomach(gastric acid).
2. The Ulcers are ulcers i.e. marked pain symptoms, pain and nausea in the stomach pain for the sufferer.
3. Chronic Gastritis that is more severe than maag gastritis are
4. Gastric Cancer that is the existence of microorganisms in the stomach and gastric attack.

How To Treat Ulcer Disease Have Traditionally

One way of treating disease ulcer, the friend can utilize natural materials around the House. These are natural ways can help relieve ulcer disease treatment and help.

1. Guava Leaf

Here's how:
  • Take about 5 pieces of guava leaves, wash clean, then boiled in water.
  • Then the water is drunk regularly morning, noon and night
  • If it feels a hassle, can also directly consuming the guava fruit is ripe without eating the seeds.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric can be utilized as a medicinal disease ulcer

Here's how:
  • Simply take some turmeric, clean roads, the kuniyt scar
  • Then wring the water kunyitnya
  • Turmeric juice drink Water regularly morning and afternoon.

The other way is:

Turmeric – which is still intact and clean, doesn't need to be shredded, simply boiled in water and then boiled water drink morning and evening on a regular basis.

3. Banana Fruit

How to treat the disease of banana maagBuah rewarding treat disease ulcer. Anti bacterial properties contained in the banana fruit is impeded potent bacteria and microorganisms in the stomach

Here's how

– You are consuming a banana fruit ukup already cook on a regular basis.

Banana fruit can also be used to help relieve pain when menstruation. Read tips on how to resolve selngkapnya the most effective menstrual pain without drugs

4. Garlic

Garlic in addition to being part of an integral part in cuisine, it is also efficacious medicinal disease ulcer.

Here's how:
  • Mash a couple suing the garlic and then mixed with water.
  • Mix until evenly distributed and can be drunk.
  • Regularly Drink morning and evening so that a speedy recovery.

5. Eat Regularly

How to treat ulcer disease next is by keeping a diet so regularly. By eating regularly, the friend will avoid or at least will minimize chronic ulcer or gastritis acute relapse's best friend. By eating regularly, the hull will be scheduled in the process works so as to reduce the production of stomach acid.

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