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The Nutrition and Benefits Fruit of the Durio (Nephelium lappaceum l.)

Who is not familiar fruit rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum l.). Rambutan fruit has a sweet taste that is so typical. This fruit is not actually a whole red, there are fruit rambutan that has color blend of yellow and red. This fruit include seasonal fruit. Often rambutan in consumption directly when compared in the mix in fruit juice or other preparations. Rambutan is actually not less popular with other fruit. This is because it has a wide range of benefits as well as a very rich nutrition content.
The Nutrition and Benefits Fruit of the Durio (Rambutan/Nephelium lappaceum l.)

Nutritional Fruit Rambutan
Rambutan fruit has a very rich nutrition content, among other things:

Carbohydrates, carbohydrate content that resides on it will be rambutan fruit source of energy.
Protein, it turns out that rambutan also has a protein that serves as a replacement for damage, and replace damaged cells into new cells.
Fiber, the fiber content of food is inside the rambutan will facilitate you to defecate.
Vitamins A and C, vitamin A and C as penyehat eyes as well as antioxidants that are in the body.
Mineral resources, mineral resources itself such as iron, calcium, niacin, phosphorus, magnesium, up zonc.

Rambutan Fruit for health benefits
The abundance of nutrients content in the fruit rambutan fruit makes this potent to cure several minor ailments such as:

Anemia (Lack Of Blood)

Anemia is indeed impressed trivial. However if you do not immediately treat, this disease can be severe. The disease anemia can also be caused due to the deficiency of vitamins or iron. The content of iron and vitamins that are inside the rambutan is able to increase the production of erythrocytes.

In addition to minor ailments, herbs can also be used as a healer of diseases heavyweights, such as:

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Hypertension is a disease that often become a scourge for among the elderly is indeed very creepy. In order for hypertension was able to soak in the little by little you can eat rambutan fruit, it will be a very natural remedy.


Rambutan has content of flavonoids. This flavonoid content could give body health, especially as lowering bad cholesterol.


Despite impressing harmless, but make no mistake, this inflammation can strike in any part of the body, such as the inflammation that occurs in muscle, lungs until the sore throat. Consume fruit rambutan regularly can help stop inflammation.


For some people diarrhea is indeed impressed. However, this disease can turn into a very creepy if the sufferer has already lost a lot of fluids. The condition of the hull itself will get the disorder caused by bacteria that get into the body. If you are taking any herbs, digestive organs will be protected.

Maintaining healthy kidneys

The kidney is one of the organs of the body that has the function of detoxification, automatic in the kidney toxicity, there will be no close chances when there are toxins tang left in the organ. The mineral phosphorus rambutan fruit that was in this that would neutralize the toxin.

Benefits Of Herbs As Traditional Medicine
Rambutan not only utilized the fruit to eat. As it turns out, other plant parts are also useful for human beings. One of them was made of materials of traditional medicine to address a wide range of diseases. Starting from the roots, tree bark until the leaves can be utilized.


Wash fruit rambutan's skin as much as 10 pieces, cut into pieces as necessary. Add three cups of clean water, then boil until the water is left half of it. After cold, filtered water and drink it twice a day, each of the three quarters glasses.

Treat Fever

Wash the skin of fruit rambutan that has drained as much as 15 grams. Add three cups of clean water, then boil to a boil for 15 minutes. After cold, filtered water and drink three times a day, each one-third part.

Blacken the graying

Wash the leaves of herbs to taste, then mash until smooth. Add a little water while stirring evenly until it becomes a dough like porridge. Squeeze and strain it with a piece of cloth. Use water to moisten the hair collected heads. Do every day until the visible result.


Gongseng (fried without oil) 5 seed fruit rambutan, then ground up into a powder. Seduh with one cup of hot water. Once cool, drink the water at once. Do 1-2 times a day.

Cure Canker Sores

Wash bark rambutan (three sections of fingers), then boil two cups of water clean up remaining one glass. Use it to gargle while warm.

Well that was it some benefits of rambutan fruit and other parts of the tree of the rambutan. In addition to the delicacy and his nutritional content of many, also can be used as a traditional medicine.

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