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Benefits of Soursop Leaves for Health

Soursop is a fruit that is widely grown in tropical regions. Taste the sweet fruit acids makes a lot of people love it. Soursop is a plant which has many benefits for mankind. Soursop fruit is believed to have been able to prevent and treat diseases thrush. The timber can be used as firewood or handicrafts. While its leaves can be used to treat a variety of diseases.
Benefits of Soursop Leaves for Health

Benefits of Soursop leaves for health
Probably still a lot of our community who know about it. Therefore, here I will share to you all about the benefits of soursop leaves so you better understand it.

Soursop Leaves As A Cure For Cancer

The benefits of soursop leaves the first is preventing and treating cancer. Based on research, soursop leaves contain a proactive that is able to kill cancer cells. Proactive substance in soursop leaves are also able to see which cells should be killed and which ones should stay alive. For that reason, this dipecaya soursop leaves have efficacy for up to 100-fold compared to the treatment of cancer through chemotherapy.

How to obtain these benefits is by drinking the decoction of soursop leaf routine every morning and afternoon for several weeks. If at least you've tried it for 3 weeks, then you will begin to feel the effects that your body has become much lighter than usual. Don't forget to always consult with a physician about the actions you take.

Potent Treat Hemorrhoids

Benefits of soursop leaves the second is as a medicine healer disease hemorrhoids. As we know, hemorrhoids is a disease that attacks the anus be swelling. On the condition of the already dangerous, hemorrhoid anus will cause the sufferer feels very painful and bleed. Uniquely, the worst disease that can be treated by the leaves of the plant soursop leaf that is unexpected. Soursop leaves contain a substance that is able to stop the bleeding at anus and also able to make the muscles around the anus becomes more relaxed so that a little bit of swelling dei will be reduced. That way, the disease will be overcome.

Soursop Leaves Report: Uric Acid

Gout is a disease that attacks a person due to sufferers to consume foods that contain excessive amounts of purin. Typically, purin many conceived by common fruit. For those of you who already have the disease, it is not expected to be troubled because the disease can be overcome by utilizing soursop leaves. How to use it is to make water decoction of soursop leaves then drink it while it's warm. In addition to curing diseases of uric acid, water decoction of betel leaf is also berkahasiat as a preventive disease diabetes mellitus.

Lower Cholesterol

Some research suggests that the soursop leaf is quite potent in lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Soursop leaves contain a substance that is able to get rid of the bad cholesterol from your body. Typically, this arises due to bad cholesterol you less selective in choosing food. Examples of food rich in bad cholesterol is a fried duck, fried chicken, fried foods and foods that contain a lot of oil. Moreover, if when frying, cooking oils used repeatedly until the colour is blackened. There bad cholesterol which then goes into the body for the spreading of dangerous diseases.

Soursop leaf to overcome Acne

Lastly, the usefulness of this soursop fruit leaf is as a deterrent to the onset of acne. How to obtain this benefit is with smoothing soursop leaves by using mashed. Once smooth, add water and place diwajah the most potentially grow pimples. Wait until the content of percolating then bilaslah using warm water. This herb is widely used by ancient people in maintaining her beauty.

Such review on benefits of soursop leaves. Hopefully can provide many benefits to you. Good luck!

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