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The Benefits of Roses for Health, Beauty, and Treatment

The Benefits of Roses to Health, Beauty, and Treatment
Roses Flower
Who is not familiar with rose. One type of plant that is derived from the genus Rosa is famous. Wild rose, comprising 100 species, often growing in the northern part of the Earth that has Eve is cool. Species roses in General is a shrub plants have thorns. The height of this plant can be 2 to 5 meters. Not infrequently, there is even a rose that has a height of up to 20 meters. Most of their species have leaves with a length of 5 to 15 cm. each stalk of the leaf is composed of 3 to 13 leaves. In addition to enjoy its beauty, it turns out that rose is very beneficial to human life, as we will discuss the following:

Efficacy of rose Flower for hair

Rose water that comes from the factory are often regarded as air is useful to nourish the scalp and the hair's moisture. If you're curious to try out the usefulness of these roses, as you wash with the use of shampoos, can you shed a little rose water on the hair until the scent of the rose-owned is out. When the condition of the hair already wet but not wash, you can apply rose water in the hair.

The use of this very useful rosewater as a hair growth stimulant, so flower is suitable especially for you who experience baldness. In addition to preventing baldness, roses can also be used as a hair lice repellent and busting dandruff the natural way.

Benefits Of Roses For The Face

When your face could be expressed his sadness, he often complained when in filthy conditions and dry. A wide range of issues often override the face ranging from common problems such as black flecks, pallid, and acne to skin problems are very serious. The use of rose water as a facial skin care is indeed very helpful.

You can reduce the pimples on the face by way of washing the face using warm water that has been mixed with roses. Clean the face up to your face looks clean and bright. Do this good habit at least 3 times a week with regular.

The Benefits Of The Roses As A Remedy

In addition to beauty, rose turns to be in magic to treat various diseases, such as:

Treat Dry Cough

A chronically dry cough can be healed within a heartbeat using the roses. You simply set up a couple of rose petals that have been dried, then mix it with sugar cubes. The second team of materials until sari water out. Drink when warm.

Cope with swelling in Feet

When you experience leg swelling, you can solve it by using the roses. Do I take 1 Rosebuds, and 40 grams of leaves sembung. Wash materials to clean and boiled by using 2 cups of water. Boil until the water boiled left one glass. Drink this concoction 2 times a day after meals.

Benefits of roses for the skin

For women, there are certainly some parts of the body such as the neck, calves, and the lower arm did not escape the attention. In order for the health condition of the body is maintained, you should take care. One of them is by using rose water. Useful rosewater as SOAP and PH balance of the skin. You can make rose water itself.

The trick with boiled flower petals of Roses by using a small fire, then distilled water. Water distilled rose this is often referred to as the water rose.

Okay, that he's quite short explanation of the benefits of the Roses as a traditional medicine. Good for health or beauty. May be useful.

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