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Banana Benefits for Health and Beauty

Banana is one of the fruits that are often consumed by people in Indonesia. The fruit has a curved form and in the wrap with nutrients that so great is the best-selling sweet hounded by fans. Banana fruit grow in various countries, there are 107 countries recorded even made the banana as food crops.
Banana Benefits for Health and Beauty

Banana tree thrives in open nature that gets plenty of Sun. Sundanese people call it Cau, whereas in Java known as Pawpaw. Hence, what are the benefits of this banana to the world of health, beauty and traditional medicine?

Benefits of banana for Health

Banana is very useful for health because of the abundant content of its nutrition value. The chemical content of bananas include vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin c. mineral Compounds contained in it, among others, potassium, magnesium, sodium, chlor and posfor. Other content contained on the banana fruit is carbohydrates, starch, egg white, fatty substance, water, dextrose, sucrose, levulose.

Aid digestion in the intestine

Fiber in bananas so well to reduce the risk of constipation. You do not need to use a laxative again, simply by eating bananas every day. Even eating banana and mix it with a glass of milk will reduce the risk of bowel disease. Even bananas can also be used as an anchoring inflammatory.

Improve blood circulation

Bananas have potassium content, potassium content in bananas will help blood pressure settings, it can also suppress the risk of stroke up to the onset of diseases such as heart disease. To get the benefits of bananas, you just need to be mengonsumsinya every day.

Maintain eye health

You know, when the bananas have vitamin a. Vitamins soluble in fat is important for eye health. It will preserve the membranes that surround the eye. This membrane is the component that will bring light into the cornea. The intake of vitamin A are enough this will help reduce the risk of blindness. At least women need approximately 700 mg of vitamin A every day, for their men need 900 mg. Bananas also contain beta carotene that converts to vitamin A.

Cure heartburn

How can a banana in use as drug heartburn? Banana fruit often once in a solution at a time when the body of developing ulcer. This is because bananas contain namely substance acid so that the antidote was able to mitigate the disease. Therefore, when you are ill with gastritis and could not swallow food, you can use a banana as a substitute for rice.

Maintaining healthy kidneys

Do you know if a different type of disease that attacks the kidneys can prevent by way of inserting banana fruit into the daily diet pattern. A lot of research that proves when women who often eat bananas and other fruits that are experiencing a decrease in the risk of kidney disease significantly. This is due in phenolic compounds, contained in fruit banana has the ability to provide protection for kidney disease.

Help quit smoking

For some people to quit smoking is not very easy, magnesium and potassium content is so high in bananas can help the body to fight off the effects of nicotine. This is what causes people to easily stop smoking. So, if you want to stop your smoking habit was too severe, you can try banana as an alternative.

Benefits of banana Fruit for beauty
Not just beneficial for health, banana is also beneficial to the world of beauty. Usually serve as natural face masks for removing acne, smooth face and moisturize the skin of the face.

Treat acne

Bananas are also beneficial to treat the presence of acne. Usage by crushing ripe bananas that have meat, then rub it on the skin breakouts. You can mendiamkannya for a few minutes, once dry rinse water use. Care of banana fruit by using it regularly will make acne gradually disappeared.

Smoothing faces

In addition to functioning as the exterminator acne, it turns out that bananas also has a function as the final face. You can use a banana as a mask. The skin gradually refined. Therefore bananas are often used as base material face masks at the spa or at the beauty salon. If you want to try it yourself, you could destroy the bananas and add a little honey, after that use becomes the mask.

Moisturizing facial skin

For those of you who have any type of dry facial skin need extra care so that facial skin always moist. One of the natural ways to cope with it is to use the banana fruit. How, take one banana fruit ambong who already Cook demolished then. Mix with a tablespoon of olive oil and then apply it on the face as a mask. Let sit for 30 minutes then wipe your face and pat dry with a soft towel.

Benefits of banana for the treatment
Banana plants are almost all parts of the plants are very useful for human beings. In addition to the fruit's rich nutrient content, other plant parts can also be used as traditional medicine. The following are benefits of bananas to traditional medicine.
Treat sore eyes

In addition to maintaining the health of the eye, the banana fruit can also be used to treat pain or sore eyes. How is the treatment is also very good. Simply consume 2-3 pieces of pisang ambon per day. If no pisang ambon, can be replaced with banana cere.

Launch defecation

You the trouble of chapters, or CHAPTER are not fluent, constipation and the like can be treated with bananas. Here's how by consuming a banana is ripe fruit on a regular basis every day. Types of bananas that can be used is pisang ambon and bananas.

Bitten by poisonous animals

Bites of venomous snakes such as biantang, centipedes, scorpions, spiders and so on are very painful and torturous though it was not until turn off. If the condition happens to you, don't panic, just find the stem of plantains, shredded and then drink the water.

A bloody nose (nosebleeds)

Sometimes the children suffered bleeding in the nose (wrinkle care) without the exact cause. But don't panic if it happens. Grab a banana tree roots or stems kepok tree (the inside of the trunk is white) then pounded until fine. Seduh with hot water as much as 1/2 glasses. Once cool, the water is drunk all at once.

Prevent infection of the wound

Benefits of banana that is to prevent infection in the wound. The new cuts should be handled properly to avoid infection occurs. One natural way by using the SAP of the stem of banana trees. Can any type of banana. With the way the stem of banana leaf cut and then smeared on wounds. It feels pretty sore.

Benefits of banana as a remedy tonsils

Currently, the tonsils can be treated by means of surgery. However, the people of ancient times, overcome the tonsils by use of banana trees. How to take of just about any type of banana trees shredded and then taken the waters. Drinking on a regular basis.

Treat diarrhea in infants

Benefits of banana kepok isn't just for the fried banana, but can also serve as a remedy for diarrhea for babies. Do I take one banana fruit kepok raw, then disangan (fried without oil) and eaten by a mother breastfeeding the baby. Then breastfeeding as normal. Content of banana in the kepok will tersalurkan on the baby through breast milk.

Diarrhea in adults

Adults can also experience diarrhea if not maintaining hygiene, food and the environment. If it happened to you that must be done first is to treat it. Natural remedies for diarrhea can use raw banana fruit that was burned and then eaten.

Cure dysentery

Dysentery is usually caused by bacteria and amoeba. The ailment can be fatal if not immediately treated. If there are any among you who experienced it, immediately took of from kluthuk or banana plantain cubes, then shredded and take water. Wring it out and use it to gargle.

Treat strep throat

Benefits of banana that is treating strep throat. A swollen throat will feel pain and torture when swallowing food. Obati with water from grated of banana kepok. Drunk on a regular basis every day, for 3-5 days.

Ear swelling

Ear swelling or inflammation of the ear can be extremely agonizing. The solution by using traditional medicine from the skin of the banana trees. Type of banana is banana kluthuk banana or stone. Baked banana peels then squeezed the warm waters in the State. Then squirt or apply on the part of the ear that hurts.

Chicken pox

In addition to using green beans, smallpox disease can also be treated using banana stem of stone. How, of banana mashed together rock pilosari fennel to taste. Take the water by means of squeezed and then drink.

Treat ambeien

Ambeien can be treated with many traditional herb such as soursop leaf leather leaves up to mangosteen, guava. Banana rock also had the same efficacy for treating ambeien. Do I take the banana raw stones are then shredded and mashed, add the fennel pulosari and brown sugar to taste. Strain the water and then drink.

To prevent bleeding after childbirth

Search for banana trees rock that has not flowered and then beheaded to left of pisangnya only. Dredging deep enough to hold water. Let-a-day overnight to terumpul plenty of water. The water used to wash the area of femininity.

Intestinal thrush

Grab a banana skin is the stone that is ripe and then thinly sliced. Take one banana fruit stone raw thinly sliced. Everything is pounded until fine. Squeeze and strain the water, let the night. The next morning the water was drunk.


Jaundice is one type of the disease hepatitis. This disease can be treated with a lot of consuming fruit banana, especially of the type of banana mas.

Stomach cancer

Cancer of the stomach does not hurt to try alternative treatments. One of them used the banana trees. The trick, take the shoot/young banana trees are then shredded and taken water 4 cups. Boil to a boil together with water until the tea plant loranthus remaining 2 cups. The potion to drink 2 times a day for as much as one glass on a regular basis.

That's some of the benefits of banana for health, beauty and the world of traditional medicine. It turns out that this banana trees is a very useful plant starting from the root, stem, leaf, gum fruit until the fruit's skin.

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