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The Benefits and Efficacy of Salak Fruit for Health

The Benefits and Efficacy of Salak Fruit for HealthOne of the many fruit found around us is salak fruit. This fruit can we find in traditional markets. The price of this fruit also belongs to cheap so that it can be reached by just about everyone. Salak fruit benefit is also utilized for the corpulent processed into other products, such as chips salak.

The scientific language of this fruit salacca zalacca is. Salak fruit this is is a type of Palm plants with edible fruit. The fruit we can find everywhere turned out to have many nutrient content. Even the benefits of fruits salak is also possible to treat or reducesome types of the disease.

Salak Fruit

The content contained on the fruit it produces are salak calories of 77 calories, protein, carbohydrates, phosphorous, calcium, iron, vitamin B, vitamin C, water and also vitamin a. Vitamin A in carrots can cause inflammation due to the sugar content is very high. Therefore, for people who are dieting, vitamin A can be obtained by consuming the juice salak.

From the research that has been done saying that content betakaroten found on 100 grams of salak 5.5 times more when dibaningkan with mango, 3 times more compared with guava and 5 times more compared with watermelon red. Of such researchis clearly visible that the salak has a lot of benefits to our body.

Salak fruit benefits for our health, among others, are:

1. Treat diarrhea
Problems that occur around the abdomen, such as diarrhea can be overcome by consuming salak as much as 20 grams.

2. Maintain eye health
Salak fruit can maintain eye function because it contains high betakaroten.

3. The effect of fullness for a long
Effect of satiety that long because salak contains many fiber and vitamins 2 mg so that absorption in the gut takes a longer time.

4. Improve brain performance
Salak contain pectin and potassium that are essential for the brain. Pottasium function for use by the autonomic nervous system that worked menegndalikan heartbeat,regulate a person's intelligence and other physiological processes. While pectin works to menghambar the reproduction of cancer cells and decrease the occurrence ofapoptosis and treat prostate cancer.

In addition to the above benefits, there is also the benefit of salak fruit for beauty that is utilized to help diet program. This is because in the salak there is content of nutrients and phytonutrients that are potentially very helpful diet program. Salak in addition also contains vitamin C as 2 mg, tannin and also fibre. In salak fruit also contains 28 mg 18 mg of calcium, phosphorus and iron 4.2 mcg. From these contents then buh is very instrumental to produce minerals and also fibre to our body. Fiber here which has the role of diet in the process due to the presence of fibers then defecation we will be smooth and the body's metabolism can also run better. For that there is no salahya salak consume regularly. If it does not like to eat salak directly, it can also make it with the consumption of juice and other ingredients added to suit taste.

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