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Benefits of Honey For Health

Benefits of Honey For HealthHoney is a type of drink in the form of a syrup that has much improved. In addition to his taste sweet, honey is proven to cure some diseases. This honey produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. When you consume it on a regular basis then the usefulness for the inside of the body as well as the outside of the body will prove to ampuhnya.

Here are the benefits of honey for the health of the body that should be known, including:

1. Improve the body's Digestive System

Honey is very easy to digest for our bodies and honey contain anti-bacterial so that sistempencernaan will be awake.

2. Helpful Diet

Honey can also be used for diet. With a combination of honey, lemon, and warm water and drink regularly will be emmbantu in the process of dieting. Honey can also increase energy by consuming two tablespoons in time twice a day.

3. Treating sore throat

With honey then anyone who is experiencing pain tengorokan will be resolved. By way of combine honey with juice or ginger juice and then drink.

4. Prevent Cancer

In honey contained carcinogens that act as anti tumor, so that the cancer will be spared.

5. Treat wounds

Honey has antiseptic properties that are useful to prevent infection as well as the growth of bacteria. Honey can treat wounds, Burns, scratches and wounds another wound.

6. Make Sleep more and Sleep

The combination of honey with a composition of two teaspoons and a cup of the Chamomile and consumed before going to bed. It will help calm nerves and sleep more soundly.

Thus some of the benefits of honey is good for the health of the body that you should know and even practiced when you are exposed to symptoms the symptoms. Keep yourself always by consuming foods and a healthy and nutritious minman.

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