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Benefits Flowers Reconnoitering in Traditional Medicines

Maybe you know often is difficult or even see a flower named kenanga. The flowers on this one is not only beautiful but also have the fragrance that is so exotic, some people often make it as even deodorizer. Flowers are often identified as interest for sprinkling in the grave, but don't get me wrong because its not in the womb can only emit a smell fragrant but is also good for human health.
Benefits Flowers Reconnoitering in Traditional Medicines

Benefits Of Flowers As A Remedy
Flowers contain some very useful substances, such as: flavonoida, saponins, polyphenols, and essential oils. Some important material more useful even as a natural insecticide, well if treated properly in fact such interest can also provide other benefits, such as:

As a herbal medicine after giving birth

Some people especially those living in rural areas strongly believe that flowers that emit a fragrant smell is so beneficial for treatment after giving birth. Surely not just eat it, but used as herbs, such as by adding a wooden plant rapet, saffron, patangsih, jalawe and so forth which is then mashed and boiled.

To cure shortness of breath

One disease is also known by the term asthma, be it rang the adult as well as children are very vulnerable once affected by asthma, flowers turned out to be also useful as medicine Croup. The trick is pretty easy, take 3 flowers petals, then seduh using 1 cup water, drinking on a regular basis on the morning and afternoon to treat the problem Your shortness of breath.

As drug malaria

Disease caused by mosquito bite is in fact cannot be considered trivial, given the late sufferer can help get experienced critical condition even caused death. Flowers became one of potent drugs to tackle malaria, it's easy and just as treating shortness of breath that is brewing a 3 kuntumnya and drink regularly.

Medication for bronchitis

Diseases that attack the human bronchus section can also be addressed using flowers, how by taking a few petals then BREW using 1 cup water, allow it to stay half a glass and drinking it regularly on morning and evening.

To cope with vaginal discharge

The problems often experienced by women about this intimate area is whitish, certainly not just plain white. But due to a yeast infection and also bacteria, the fix is easy enough, boil the flowers mixed with the skin of the pomegranate, the comparison between the 300 and 300 grams. Then use the 600 cc seduh water, drink regularly.

Addressing the scurvy

Skin issues this one can also be about anyone indiscriminately, how to treat it using only flowers smoothing some of the petals and then apply on the part that hurts, do regularly for maximum results. This herb can also be utilized to treat panu in the skin.

In fact, although often identified with something that smells of flowers have a mystical myriad benefits to tackle a wide range of diseases, other terms as a medicinal herb, not only the type of illness, but also the dangerous diseases is very expensive treatment. If you have complaints that there is no harm in trying to use the flowers as a cure.

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