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Benefits and Efficacy Fruit Avocado for Health

Benefits and Efficacy Fruit Avocado for HealthThe following are the benefits and efficacy of avocado fruit for health, beauty and cosmetics, as well as the vitamin in fruit of the avocado.

Benefits Of Avocado

In this post I will provide information about the benefits of avocado fruit to beauty and body health of facial skin. Before knowing what are the benefits of avocado fruit, it's good you know what the heck the fruit of avocado, and anything that is contained in the fruit of the avocado.

Avocado or Persea Americana is a fruit that is widely preferred by various circles of society. It turns out that, in addition to the delights of the flesh of the fruit, avocados also have remarkable healing benefits. The avocado fruit is ripe, the flesh is tender and fatty. Typically, the fruit is consumed with how processed into juice or ice mix. This fruit can also be mashed for use as face masks. Avocado fruit oil is also used for a variety of cosmetics.

The leaves of the avocado tastes bitter, but useful as well as urinary and deciduous seeds are antiradang for pain relief. Compounds contained in the avocado fruit is betakaroten, chlorophyll, B complex vitamins, saponins, alkaloids, and tannins. Meanwhile, avocado leaves contain polyphenols and quersetin.

Fruit avocados contain lots of natural vitamin E and fatty fruit has antioxidant that is strong enough, a bit of sugar, but the content of the fibers. Avocado also contains many minerals potassium, but low in sodium.

The Benefits And Efficacy Of Avocado Fruit

1. Maintain eye health

Benefits of avocado fruit is able to maintain the health of your eyes, as the fruit of avocado has vitamin A as much as 180.00 SI. Of course this is very helpful for the health of our eyes. In addition vitamin A is also useful to prevent the occurrence of free radicals or macula on our eyes.

2. Protect heart health

Benefits of avocado fruit can also keep our heart health. This is because the fruit of the avocado contains folate as the protector of our heart to stay healthy.

3. Protect the body from cancer

As we know, the fruit of the avocado contains vitamin C, Vitamin E, folic acid and antioxidants. Of course this is useful to prevent the development of cancer cells in the body such as oral cancer.

4. Maintain the stability of blood pressure

Avocado fruit is also beneficial to the sufferers of hypertension. This is because the fruit avocados contain Potassium which acts to maintain the stability of the blood pressure.

5. Lowers bad cholesterol levels

Benefits of avocado fruit can also lower levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Although there is avocado fruit in fat, but fat is fat not saturated. So, even though when we eat the fruit of the avocado will feel full later, but this would not increase bad cholesterol in our body. Even eating avocado fruit can reduce bad cholesterol. Well, for those of you having problems with your cholesterol, it's good you are consuming this avocado fruit regularly.

6. Control blood sugar

No saturated fat content found in the fruit of the avocado is not only beneficial to lower the bad cholesterol in the body, but also serves to restore insulin resistance so that later it can control our blood sugar. Avocado fruit also contain fiber which of fiber here able to maintain blood sugar levels to normal.

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