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10 Benefits of Pomegranates

10 Benefits of Pomegranates
Pomegranate fruit such as legend. Mentioned in many sagas, this fruit is also full ofbenefits. In addition to offering freshness of flavor, pomegranate also offers many benefits.

In many sagas, pomegranate fruit is referred to as a ' longevity '. Scientific studies prove, pomegranate is indeed full of antioxidants that effectively prevents premature aging. Pomegranate juice is on the scale of the number of free radicals which 2860 absorbed each 100 grams.

Pomegranate also has proven to be beneficial to address osteoarthritis because it contains phytonutrients and polyphenols.

Here's another benefit of Pomegranate based much of the study:

Protects the liver and kidney

Recent research indicates that pomegranate extract prevent kidney damage and protect the kidney from harmful toxins. In addition, pomegranate also protect your heart and helps to regenerate damaged heart.

Boost the immune system
Pomegranates and Pomegranate juice increases the body's immunity. The pomegranate note loaded with vitamin c.

Anti Allergy
Pomegranates are rich in polyphenols high dose that has been shown to reduce biochemical processes associated with allergies.

Prevent heart disease
The latest research published in scientific journals suggest that pomegranate increases the body's ability to synthesize cholesterol and destroy free radicals in the vascular system.

Prevent cancer
In one of University research indicates that Pomegranate juice and pomegranate extracts can cause cancer cell death. Pomegranate can also prevent breast cancer anda decrease in the development of both types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

Protect DNA
Phytonutrients and antioxidants in pomegranate interacts with the body's genetic material to protect it.

Normalize blood pressure

Preliminary research published in a journal found that pomegranate extract may help prevent blood pressure increase associated with eating foods that are high in fat.

Regulates metabolic syndrome

Research published in a journal showed that pomegranate helps to regulate blood sugar, increase sensitivity to insulin, able to fight inflammation, and enhances a wide range of other factors involved in frequent metabolis syndrome associated with obesity and trigger diabetes. Because of this effect, pomegranates can help in weight loss.

Protect from infection
The latest published research found that pomegranate extract increases the effectiveness of the drugs used against gram-negative plant that is resistant to known drugs.

Protect from Alzheimer's disease

This fruit can prevent or slow the progression of the disease is generally related to age. In one study, mice bred to develop the disease and were given pomegranate extract showed a reduction in plaque accumulation in amyloidal associated disease.

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